Township of Trezzo Tinella – 2.95 ha
Cascina Fiori is located in a village of the same name in the township of Trezzo Tinella at 380 MASL. Here, Moscato Bianco is cultivated. This area is one of the highest in elevation for cultivating vines for Moscato d’Asti DOCG, leading to one of the variety’s latest harvests. Here, Moscato grows in a fresher and better ventilated microclimate compared to other zones of its production, helping it develop and exalt its aromas. The soil is marly, with fine clay and limestone. In some areas, it looks white.
The marl is particularly compact, and in some points presents itself in flat formations, almost polished from erosion, making it very useful for constructing dry stone walls. In fact, in the Fiori village, many walls are made from this “Langhe stone,” defining the boundaries of properties and vineyards. Farmhouses of the zone have what are called infernotti, or cellars excavated directly in the rock, and outdoor tiles were once all made from Langhe stone extracted from the area.